PhysEdit 0.3.1B

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PhysEdit 0.3.1B

Post by MoDFox »

You know when you null out the collision of a vehicle, it still hits the level?
It turns out the "Collision" of the vehicle hitting the level is managed by the Physics tag.

This application is made so you can Null out the different parts of the Collision.
I will say, right now it is somewhat of a "Brute" method so nulling out the wheels of the warthog may not be the best idea.


Code: Select all

This app is pretty easy to use, all you have to do is

Outside the app:
1. Extract the PHYSICS meta of either the Warthog or the Banshee (I will add more vehicles in the future.)
2. Put the meta somewhere you can find it easily

Inside the app
3. Check off the boxes of the collision you want to "null" out.
4. Click the "Null" button
5. You will be prompted with an open window, you may choose the meta file for either the Warthog or the Banshee. (Make sure you choose whichever one you checked boxes off for!)
6. Click OK
7. A "Complete" window will pop up to tell you it is done. 

NOTE: You MAY choose options for more than one vehicle, You will be prompted with a window for the Warthog Meta first, and then the Banshee.
Let me know if you have problems.


Mac (Universal Binary):

Hope you enjoy.

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Re: PhysEdit 0.3.1B

Post by Main »

In most engines, the Physics holds it's own collision box to calculate where things should go, and how fast.

Nice of you to see that their collision boxes actually hit the ground bsp, though; it's illogical.
Very small due to Signature Regulations.
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Re: PhysEdit 0.3.1B

Post by MarsMartianMan »

Holy balls, this is cool.
Welcome to Mars.
Thien wrote:On the bright side, I groped some black dude today.
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Re: PhysEdit 0.3.1B

Post by MoDFox »

Glad you guys think it looks good, I've found a few bugs and fixed them.

Bug Fixes:
-Hull Top Front Right currently nulls out the Front Right Wheel aswell - Fixed
-Opens multiple windows even if you've only chosen one vehicle (Not sure if it was in that build) - Fixed

-Added Ghost into the mix

Planned for the future:
-Possible add sparkle into the mix for auto-updates
-Add the Tank
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Re: PhysEdit 0.3.1B

Post by DeadHamster »

And wraith maybe? And C-Gun Turret? and Pelican? And C-Dropship?
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Re: PhysEdit 0.3.1B

Post by MarsMartianMan »

I'm happy to see that Halo 1 modding research is still out there. Great job, MoDFox.
Welcome to Mars.
Thien wrote:On the bright side, I groped some black dude today.
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