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Post by =sw=warlord »

depends where you live and what rules apply some places dont have the same rules as others like in some states of the us they have execution for silly things but other they dont i mean in a country i cant remeber the name but if u steal they cut your hands of by the wrists with a axe [the traditional method anyhow]
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Post by Tural »

thefreindly0ne wrote:modding is legal, did you ever hear of the constitution ammendments, stating that you have the freedom to do what you want with anything you own, now modding the game can be illegal even though you own the game, there have been cases about that go into court. like they didnt want there game tyo be modified, but they should have put a super ncription on it
On the contrary, anything built with the XDK, dashboards, applications, ect, is illegal, thus making the act of putting that content on your Xbox, modifying it, illegal.

But this discussion isn't about Xboxs, it is about ripping content.
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Post by DoorM4n »

ScottyGEE wrote:And the fact that Tural has already outluined what TheSwampFox did to allow the ripping to a degree anyway...
Interesting, yeah at the time I was really puzzeled when TSF posted that mod. I'm glad to see that halomods has been up for so long without even being notified by bungie. Let us hope it stays like this.
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Post by thefreindly0ne »

very true
Tural wrote:Cheating, Live modding, and illegal content. Three rules broken in one post, doesn't look good.
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Post by ScottyGEE »

*Raises glass to Doorm4n's words :P

Bungie did close all the major halo modding forums just prior to the release of the 1.1 (or was it 1.2?) update, didn't they?
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Technically its only me animating though ;)
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Post by Tural »

Alot of modding sites did go down in preperation for the banhammer, but I believe it was on thier own free will.

From an old Xbox-Scene article, which credits the main page:
As some of you may have read on Bungie's website lately, the cheating problem on Xbox Live has grown out of control. While our moderating team has been vigilant in eliminating any information about these cheats on HaloMods over the past month, I feel the time has come for me to take more drastic measures. Starting today, I have decided to temporarily close both the files forum and the main forum until Bungie releases their next auto-update. From what I hear, this will likely be in the next few weeks. I know this will disappoint many of you, but I think it is better for the long-term health of our community. You may remember a similar situation on the HBO forums when Halo 2 was leaked.

I believe the majority of our community despises what these XBL cheaters have done to ruin the Halo modder's reputation. Modding is supposed to be about being creative and adding new content to our favorite game. We will not tolerate their intrusion into our community.

During this time, the main HaloMods webpage will remain up, so please do your part to help Bungie out. If you see ANYONE using mods on live, please click the "report cheaters" button on the right side of this page. You need to have an account with the main site. In addition, if you find any links with step-by-step tutorials on how to mod and get on XBL, links for warezing the new maps, or cheat ppfs, send the link to [email protected]. We will forward the information to Bungie so they can take appropriate action.

Even though the forums will be closed, you may still contribute stories to our main page. Our IRC channel will remain open. Again, sorry for the inconvenience this may cause many of you.
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Post by ScottyGEE »

The only reason I believed otherwise is because Bungie even posted it on their front page saying all major modding sites were down...
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Technically its only me animating though ;)
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Post by Geo »

Is it me or is this gettin way offtopic?
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