Haha, that sounded funny. But I will give your idea a go. Thanks for the suggestion.
Edit: I was always under the impression that you could only inject bitmaps of the same dxt format into maps...(I.E. I thought you couldn't inject a 5 into a 3.)
Boot up ch2r 0.9.3 and then force change it...Although some could say its improper to just do that...it was the same thing we did to change lightmaps way back when and I dont see problems with it
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Technically its only me animating though
Force changing a DXT3 to DXT 5 is similar to what happens to when you use a DXT1 instead of a P8 as a bump, although the bumps come out slightly more cartoonish than shiney.
hey you guys may know me from the halo pc section. i just got the materials to softmod my xbox. Im happy. But anyway im brand new at modding halo 2 so dont laugh when i say.....WTF IS TURF IN MAP FOLDER O.o. Thanks for your cooperation and support.
CptnNsan0 wrote:n u and your serenity. can we just use some SPPF here please
...Why? Serenities are smaller, easier to apply, they don't overwrite your original map, and they can be easily added to your mainmenu. I see no reason for using SuperPPF, when Serenity is much more efficient.
can you post the .dds file on here , because I wanna use this in my next mod , plz - oh and I know that you cant post a .dds , so can you put it in .rar format? Thanks , thirst