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dh - The Fast and The Furious: Miami

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:15 pm
by Geo

Some of you may have guessed, the deltaHalo sigs were for a modding team we have started. Click my sig for further info. :)

OK guys, Sorry for the wait... but here it is. My first mod... The Fast and The Furious: Miami

Brief Desription:
- 4 Unique warthogs, with Unique skins. (This is the first Halo 2 mod with multiple warthog skins, to my knowledge)
- Each vehicle has unique handling, speeds and accelerations. (The e-brake is your best friend with the Skyline)
- New, present day weapons. Including: Klashnikoff AK47, the Israeli UZI and the German Walther p99. All fully skinned and UVW mapped.
- Proper custom bump maps, on each vehicle. The tires are a personal favourite.
- Unique Neon lighting, related to the 'hogs movie counterpart.
- Generally Miami themed

It may not sound like an awful lot, but this is my first mod. I hope you enjoy, I spent a lot of time on each skins and warthog, giving them individual character.

I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.






I hope you guys enjoy it, it took a while because it is a unique mod, in the sense that there are some new, never before seen features.

Base Map:
- Headlong

- Team deltaHalo and all it's members, in particular...
- ZeroKillerMods - UVW Mapping, sorry for being a slave driver!
- RaVNzCRoFT - Models, they look awesome.
- Hawaaiin Modder - Team member and helper
- ScottyGEE, help way back when I first started
- DeToX - Get Low Bus, great helper and friend
- Anyone else I may have forgottern (PM me)

Stay tuned for updates and new content from; deltaHalo.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:17 pm
by T1xAnton

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:30 pm
by StalkingGrunt911
Looks nice. I like the hogs. =)

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:32 pm
by DemonicSandwich
:| :shock: 8)


Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:37 pm
by GametagAeonFlux
Neat how the Hogs have the neons from the

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:17 pm
by ScottyGEE
Why are they all on the same level? :(
I like the idea of different handling though.
Congradulations though on releasing and finishing these...It took 5months but hopefully it was worth it :P

*Gets logs
"i'm iGeo from Halomods, just wanted to konw if you could tell me how you did those ghost neons in Forgotten Hope, looks awesome!"


Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:19 pm
This is so damn sweet; not even funny. OMG AWESOME! Nice Job!

I don't post much in this section unless I see somethin that really sticks out or interests me and this is definitely somethin.

All 3 of these maps you made are awesome. Sick Job! Wish they were on different maps though...even though Headlong is probably best for this so yeah.

10/10 :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:45 pm
by Dootuz
There cool but for the hogs dont you just dupacate everything and then skin them diffently and change eash hog handeling and skin and neons :) But still the smiplists are the best.. sometimes. Good mod. I dont like how there all for Headlong. Next time though do something other than hogs. try doing the cars from SP and getting the whiles to work. Im not sure if this is the best map for it but its still good.

as for something out of ten?


maeby 9.5 or 9 out of ten. still good mod. and if i had headlong and it wasnt scatched off my disc i would play it.

:) Dootuz :)

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:46 pm
by Pyroman
VERY cool. I'm liking these mods.

I'll have to load them up when I get time.

Re: dh - The Fast and The Furious: Miami

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:46 pm
by Agent ME
iGeo wrote:Image

Some of you may have guessed, the deltaHalo sigs were for a modding team we have started. Click my sig for further info. :)

OK guys, Sorry for the wait... but here it is. My first mod... The Fast and The Furious: Miami
If this is your first mod, why does it say its a deltahalo modding team mod?

Makes me think of when a certain modding team which I won't say its name (mainly because I don't remember it) released a lot of mods, but they were very inconsistent in quality and the team never even worked on mods together, it was just a bunch of random people who made mods alone then slapped the team name on at the end...

But the mod does look cool - I like the different types of hogs.

Re: dh - The Fast and The Furious: Miami

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:48 pm
by Dootuz
Agent ME wrote:
iGeo wrote:Image

Some of you may have guessed, the deltaHalo sigs were for a modding team we have started. Click my sig for further info. :)

OK guys, Sorry for the wait... but here it is. My first mod... The Fast and The Furious: Miami
If this is your first mod, why does it say its a deltahalo modding team mod?

Makes me think of when a certain modding team which I won't say its name (mainly because I don't remember it) released a lot of mods, but they were very inconsistent in quality and the team never even worked on mods together, it was just a bunch of random people who made mods alone then slapped the team name on at the end...

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 6:16 pm
Dootuz wrote:There cool but for the hogs dont you just dupacate everything and then skin them diffently and change eash hog handeling and skin and neons :) But still the smiplists are the best.. sometimes. Good mod. I dont like how there all for Headlong. Next time though do something other than hogs. try doing the cars from SP and getting the whiles to work. Im not sure if this is the best map for it but its still good.

as for something out of ten?


maeby 9.5 or 9 out of ten. still good mod. and if i had headlong and it wasnt scatched off my disc i would play it.

:) Dootuz :)
There's some sites you can probably download it off of even though it's illegal to host them...I think I know one as a matter of fact lol.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:26 pm
by xXtR1Xm1Xx
For a first this is great. :shock:

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:31 pm
by r0tten
ok so i didnt realise these were all relesed at the same time, i relly like the hogs in this one.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 8:39 pm
by Jubakuba
Better than california, but still bad.
Nothing amazing.
The handling however, is a little better.
so gj on that i guess.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 10:20 pm
by Dootuz
Sorry to say this...

This mod dissaporntied me. Its cool and all for a skin but I would not call this a mod. I don't Like how you made 3 and made them all fo rth esame map........... that was really annoying. just like 3 big repets. the UVW maps on the guns dont look too good and the guns look..... yeah...

The hogs had HORRABLE handaling. After waiting so long to play this im sorry to say.

As a mod..... 3 / 10 :(


as a skin 10 / 10

yeah i hate this mod though as a mod. there not much but its good for a frist. but really isnt anything specataler.



:cry: Dootuz :cry:


Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:14 am
by smacktalker
all 3 mods are somewhat lacking... skinwise. the hogs however look great, most likely the best looking hogs around that someone will ever be able to make.
3 mods on thesame base map however is a bit disappointing. you could ve undone this by at least skinning the 3 maps differently, but o well.

and dootuz you really have to post thesame in all 3 threads? >_>
i would surely don't give about what you have to say anyhow :lol:

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:51 am
by Lt Slap a ho
I love you iGeo!

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:03 am
by KoRn256
Agent ME wrote:
iGeo wrote:Image

Some of you may have guessed, the deltaHalo sigs were for a modding team we have started. Click my sig for further info. :)

OK guys, Sorry for the wait... but here it is. My first mod... The Fast and The Furious: Miami
If this is your first mod, why does it say its a deltahalo modding team mod?

Makes me think of when a certain modding team which I won't say its name (mainly because I don't remember it) released a lot of mods, but they were very inconsistent in quality and the team never even worked on mods together, it was just a bunch of random people who made mods alone then slapped the team name on at the end...

But the mod does look cool - I like the different types of hogs.
he meant his teams first mod

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:06 am
by ZeroKillerMods
Hi Guys, Sorry to see that some of you are disliking this mod, but we all have our own right to our own opinion. We had some problems (by we I mean I did) caus ive only just got into 3DS Max and we were REPEATADLY LET DOWN by other UVW Mappers (not mentioning any names). Luckily I might be releasing an update later on with some seriously high quality skins, because I have been working on making some custom UV Wrapping stuff. Anywayz bear with me ont that one I am still working.

You have got to admit the iGeo has put ALOT into this mod, the hog skins look awesome.

About the thingy about its not the teams mod, well thearitically it is because quite a few of us did some stuff for this mod.

Anyway to conclue my awfully long speach which is overly boring and tedious all i have to say is :


The team will be releasing some new mods relativly soon, I hope and not 5 months down the line. Im pretty sure iGeo appreciates all your comments.

Happy Modding :D