Tut: PMI in depth! [EASY]

Tutorials for the PC version of Halo 1.
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Tut: PMI in depth! [EASY]

Post by kashishj »

When I first attempted to PMI, this really helped me. It was written by [ZMT] L33T.



1. Create 2 new folders : "Build" and "BSP". Copy your UN-EDITED "bloodgulch.map" to the "Build" folder.

2. In HMT, open up bloodgulch.

3. Go to Batch Extract (Tools > Extract > Batch Extract), check off "Extract Metadata", select the "Build" folder as the place where it extracts

everything, the when it asks to extract the BSP, click yes. Wait for it to finish.

4. When it's done, you want to extract the BSP/Model Sections. To do this go to "Tools > Extract > BSP/Model Sections". Save it to the "BSP"


5. In HMT, open up "B40.map" (Assault on the Control Room) go down to "Vehicles > Wraith". At the top, beside "Extract Meta", check "Recursive"

and click "Extract Meta". Save it to the "Build" folder.

6. After that's done, got to "Tools > Generate Raw Model Offset List (CSV File)", save this file to your desktop.

7. Now, with B40.map still open in HMT, go to "Tools > Extract > Raw Model". Load the CSV file you saved. Find vehicles/wraith/wraith and click

extract. Save this to Build\vehicles\wraith.

8. Go to "Tools > Model DeCrapper/BSP Builder". Under "Existing Vertex Area", select "BSP\bloodgulch.vertices", Under "Existing Index Area", select

"BSP\bloodgulch.indices", and under "Existing BSP Block" select "BSP\bloodgulch.sbsp".

9. Now, above all the stuff you just filled out, there should be a big blank space, right click it and select "Add", select

"Build\vehicles\wraith\wraith.mod2.meta". Click "De-Crap There Models and Build a New BSP Chunk While We're At It".

10. After that's done, look in you're "BSP" folder. It should of created 3 new files, "bloodgulch.vertices.new", "bloodgulch.indices.new" and


11. Select "bloodgulch.sbsp.meta" and copy it to "Build\levels\test\bloodgulch", if it asks to overwrite the original, click "OK".

12. When that's done, go into HMT and go to "Tools > Rebuild Map", select "Build\bloodgulch.map", if it asks to auto-fill, click "Yes"

13. At the bottom, click "Add", search for "Build\vehicles\wraith\wraith.vehi.meta". Click "OK"

14. Click "Build"

15. When it asks if there have been any vertices add to the original BSP chunk, click "Yes", find "BSP\bloodgulch.vertices.new", when it asks if there

have been any indices add to the original BSP chunk, click "Yes", find "BSP\bloodgulch.indices.new", when it asks if you want to use the modified

offset, click "Yes". Wait for the build to complete.


1. Open your rebuilt bloodgulch.map (Build\bloodgulch.map.rebuild.map).

2. Go down to "Vehicles > Wraith".

3. On the side, go under "Seat", click the drop-down list and select "0". Under the seat name it should read "wraith-driver", change this to



You can do 1 of 2 things now, you can make the Wraith scenery and import it with Sparkedit, or just swap another vehicle for the Wraith.

METHOD 1 - Making the Wraith Scenery

1. Go down to "Vehicles > Wraith".

2. At the top, under Tag Information, there should be 3 areas with 4 character in each. It should read "vehi, unit, obje". Change this to read "scen,

obje, ÿÿÿÿ". Click "Save".

3. Open the map in Sparkedit.

4. Go under "Tools > Import Tag Into Scenario...", on the dropdown list, select "Scenery", the on the other dropdown list, select the Wraith. Click


5. Select a piece of scenery and swap it off for a Wraith (Even though it's categorized under the scenery section, it still works like a regular vehicle).

6. Move it around to your liking.

7. Go to "File > Save Changes".

METHOD 2 - Swapping Another Vehicle Off for the Wraith

1. Go down to "Vehicles > Wraith".

2. At the top, under Tag Information, copy the Meta of the Wraith. Choose another vehicle (I'll use the Scorpion Tank), and paste the meta of the

Wraith over the existing Meta. Click "Save".


Congratulations! You have successfully injected a PERFECT Wraith into Bloodgulch!
Last edited by kashishj on Mon May 19, 2008 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by CallMeSheF »

You copied this entire thing from CtrlAltDestroy.


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Post by kashishj »

CallMeSheF wrote:You copied this entire thing from CtrlAltDestroy.

Actually, it is written by ZMT L33T...
Or maybe you didn't read the very beginning...
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Post by Philly »

He may have copied it, but it's the only way to PMI properly. :P
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Post by Cryticfarm »

Also, did you get permission to post this here?

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Post by kashishj »

Well, it's the ONLY single PMI tutorial that works for me... That's why I posted.
And NO, I did not get permission to post as I don't know how to contact [ZMT]L33T, or CtrlAltDestroy if they're the same person...
Anybody mind telling me how?

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Post by CallMeSheF »

I did a search for the tutorial CTD posted here, and besides the fact this one doesnt have pictures, they seem to be word for word. I dont see the point in having two of these.

But thats beside the point. It's good that you got this memorized, and maybe having this more near the top will help newer members find it.

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Post by Matooba »

Some more for pc beginners:

1. First, open up the map that you want to get a model from to insert into another map. We'll use the Pelican from a30.map, or Halo, as an example in this tutorial.
2. Find the model that you want to import into another map, and click on it to highlight it. Next, check the box labeled "Recursive" next to the "Save meta" button.
3. Now, click the Save meta button. Create a new folder: C:\PelicaninBG. Within that, create a new subfolder, and then save the meta to C:\PelicaninBG\PelicanMeta.
4. Next, if you're extracting a machine for injection, like a door, or a vehicle, like the Pelican, you'll need to save the meta for the main tag too (like the tag for the mach of a door, or the vehi tag of the Pelican. Save it to C:\PelicaninBG\PelicanMeta again.
5. Now, with the map that you got the model and stuff from just now (a30 for this example), go to Tools > Generate Raw Model Offset List (CSV File).
6. Save the CSV file to C:\PelicaninBG\a30CSV
7. Now, go to Tools > Extract > Raw Model.
8. Click load CSV file, and navigate to, select, and open the CSV file that was just saved in C:\PelicaninBG\a30CSV.
9. Find your model in the list, or in this case, "Vehicles\Pelican\Pelican." Click it to highlight it, and hit extract. Save the model to the spot where the mod2 data that we recursively saved earlier is located in. In this case, it's in C:\PelicaninBG\Pelicanmeta\Vehicles\Pelican.
10. Now, close that map file. In HMT 3.5, open up the map file that you want to inject the model into (We'll use Bloodgulch here, if you haven't figured that out yet.
25. Hit build, and then when it asks if any new vertices had been added to the original BSP chuck, say yes, and select bloodgulch.vertices.new in the C:\PelicaninBG\BSPVerticesIndices folder.
26. When it asks about the same thing for the indices, choose the bloodgulch.indices.new file in that same folder.
27. When it asks if it should update the starting offset, click YES!
28. After it's done rebuilding, copy the file to your Halo maps directory.
29. Delete Bloodgulch(.map) (ONLY IF YOU HAVE A BACKUP.).
30. Rename Bloodgulch.map.rebuild to Bloodgulch.map (Or just Bloodgulch)

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Post by halo0102 »

uh ya....when i did this my wraith was invisible and every thing was screw up when i comes to the plasma pistol and master cheif and all the weps!

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Post by kashishj »

Halo0102, a lot of people have that problem, and those people are usually the one who manage to get it right when they finally read word for word, you probably just skipped some small mistake... Try reading it over word for word...
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Post by AbeFroman »

worked great, nice tut, my life is complete now that i can do PMIs :D
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Post by Kount-Dooku »

This topic was last posted in during May, so this was a considerable bump. You should try not to do that.
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