[PC]Land Mines

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[PC]Land Mines

Post by UPS »

Here's how to make land mines (do not blow up if you step on them, but will if a vehicle hits.) There are two ways you can do this.
One, you can use one of the grenade types, or two, you can make a weapon that shoots them.

HMT (phenom's 60 plugins)
HHT v5
Knowledge of duplicating

The very first thing you need to do is duplicate a biped.
It doesn't matter HOW you duplicate it, but you will want to duplicate the biped tag characters/cyborg/cyborg.

If you're going to use one of the grenade types, follow the instructions below that are in red
Once you've duplicated, open HHT v5 and go to [matg].
-Then select the globals tag and wait for it to load.

-Once it loads, it should have dependencies referring to grenades near the top. Find the dependency starting with proj. You will want to use the dependency of the grenade you're going to use. If you're using the plasma grenade, select the dependency 'proj-weapons/plasma grenade/plasma grenade'. Same thing for the frag. Now, click the dependency and go down to where the Swap button is. Click the first of the two pull tabs (which says 'proj'.) Now go up and find 'bipd'.
Picture of this is picture A.

-Click Bipd and then open the second pull tab. Find the duplicated cyborg biped and swap dependencies.

If you're shooting it out of a weapon (works like you're dropping it at your feet) follow the instructions below in blue.

-Open HHT and go to [weap]. Open the tag of the gun that will be shooting the mine.

-Find the dependency referring to the gun's projectile (starting with 'proj')

-Now, click the dependency and go down to where the Swap button is. Click the first of the two pull tabs (which says 'proj'.) Now go up and find 'bipd'.

-Click Bipd and then open the second pull tab. Find the duplicated cyborg biped and swap dependencies.

Now, in HHT, go to [coll]Collision Model and open the collision tag for your DUPLICATED biped. Find the dependency (one of the last) that refers to the effect 'shield depleted'. Swap it with any explosion effect (frag grenade explosion, tank shell, rocket, anything you want.)
Picture for this is picture B.

Now close HHT and open the map in HMT (PHENOM'S 60 PLUGIN PACK IS NEEDED)
Go to [biped] in HMT and open the duplicated cyborg tag.

Make sure the following flags are checked.
-Destroyed after dying
-Passes through other bipeds
-Immune to falling damage (This is only needed if you're using the grenade)
Picture of this is Picture C.

Now, you have a functioning land mine!
The land mine will have the cyborg model, so I'd suggest remodeling the cyborg to be some kind of a mine. I tried changing his model with HHT, but I got exception errors (If you do what you did with his collision model with anything else and use that collision model and the model of that item, running it over with a vehicle doesn't destroy it.) You can PMI any other biped or anything (especially if you have a 'bomb' model for it. Sentinel maybe?) and use that, since the only reason you'd duplicate is because the land mine needs a biped, and a biped's collision model.


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Post by DeadHamster »

Nice job, I personally would've never thought of that, now that you mention it though it seems very simple. Good Job with the tutorial
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Post by Philly »

Very nice tutorial, give yourself a pat on the back.
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Post by Pepsi »

Spooge =]

GJ, I'd hit it.
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Post by UPS »

Oh yeah, you may want to null out the udlg dependency in the biped tag in HHT.. unless you want your land mines to scream when they explode. lol.
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Post by Cryticfarm »

UPS wrote:Oh yeah, you may want to null out the udlg dependency in the biped tag in HHT.. unless you want your land mines to scream when they explode. lol.
Shoop the woop landmine mbmb?
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Post by Dust'nmud »

heres a thought, change the medic pack to the land mine and just skin like a mine!
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Post by Patrickh »

if you were going to do that, you might as well use a model like the shotgun ammo, and skin/model that. That way you don't have to sacrifice the health pack :wink:
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Post by UPS »

I already said, if you change the collision model to something other than a biped collision model, then it won't work properly. And I get an exception when I have a collision model that differs from the model. If you can figure it out, then gj.
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Post by WaeV »

You could change the mod2.

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Post by chocolate10 »

is there a way to make it were when you run over it it explodes?

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Post by trademark148 »

i changed the mod2 to flag base and nulled everything except antr and coll out and it works only if u shoot it u get exception and u dont HAVE to duplicate the bipd its actually kinda funny blowing up when ur shields r gone
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Post by bcnipod »

I did this once, set the plasma nade never to explode, but it would kill you if you walked over it, I might dig out that map file and upload for people to look at.
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Post by Corvette19 »

bcnipod wrote:I did this once, set the plasma nade never to explode, but it would kill you if you walked over it, I might dig out that map file and upload for people to look at.

That would be helpful to know.
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Post by DeadHamster »

thats actually seems pretty easy.

Set it to bounce off the ground, and it'll keep "bouncing", except it won't move or explode, until somebody goes over it, then it'll attatch to that person's foot?

Yes/No bcnipod?
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Post by bcnipod »

no, it just sits on the ground, and it will kill anyone that walks over it.
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Post by Smapla »

i for one would indeed like to know how that effect with the plasma grenade is done

i had an effect where a plasma would attach to a vehicle and not detonate unless someone got in it, this sounds similar
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