HMT: Beam Emitter
Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 5:02 am
1. make a project folder anywhere.
2.then put an original map like bloodgulch n the project folder. tools>extract>batch extract check the box that says extract metadata save it to your new project folder then say yes to the question about the BSP.
4.then open map A10 lets extract a beam emitter go to [proj] or projectile hit the + sign next to it then find levels\a30\devices\beamemitter\beam click on it then under tag information at the top check Recrusive the hit Save Meta save to your project\levels\a30 then it says finished extracting.
5.go to tool>rebuildmap then hit browse were it asks for original map open the bloodgulch in your project folder then say yes to the question that says something about auto fill in then click add at the bottom go to project\levels\a30\devices\beamemitter then get beam.proj.meta then click build say no to the next two questions and then in your project folder there should be a map named select it hit rename either change it to or my maps folder has it as bloodgulch(yours may be different so make it then open it in HMT go to [proj] project find the beam and copy the met tag then open assault rifle bullet under projectiles then then paste over the meta tag then hit save.
6.move it to your halo maps folder.
gotta go to summer camp c ya!!!
1. make a project folder anywhere.
2.then put an original map like bloodgulch n the project folder. tools>extract>batch extract check the box that says extract metadata save it to your new project folder then say yes to the question about the BSP.
4.then open map A10 lets extract a beam emitter go to [proj] or projectile hit the + sign next to it then find levels\a30\devices\beamemitter\beam click on it then under tag information at the top check Recrusive the hit Save Meta save to your project\levels\a30 then it says finished extracting.
5.go to tool>rebuildmap then hit browse were it asks for original map open the bloodgulch in your project folder then say yes to the question that says something about auto fill in then click add at the bottom go to project\levels\a30\devices\beamemitter then get beam.proj.meta then click build say no to the next two questions and then in your project folder there should be a map named select it hit rename either change it to or my maps folder has it as bloodgulch(yours may be different so make it then open it in HMT go to [proj] project find the beam and copy the met tag then open assault rifle bullet under projectiles then then paste over the meta tag then hit save.
6.move it to your halo maps folder.
gotta go to summer camp c ya!!!