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PC - Easy - Setup & Running a Halo PC Dedicated Server

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 2:20 pm
by [CL]9mm-Man
Okay first off I DID NOT MAKE THIS TUTORIAL...I copied it off gearbox forum, because I was fed up with all the Dedicated server questions that people were asking in Tech Questions & Problems...
First off you need to download the maps and Halo PC dedicated server files

After you get the Halo DS installed, you must config the init. below is a breakdown of each setting along with a final version. keep in mind you have to use " " anytime you use spaces in the init.

; server parameters
sv_name Halocity <-- Server Name
sv_public true <-- true/false - 0/1 to display on gamespy
sv_maxplayers 10 <-- Max clients
sv_password Halo <-- Password
sv_rcon_password halocity <--Rcon Password
sv_mapcycle_timeout 30 <-- Time delay between maps
sv_tk_ban 4 <-- Ban after 4 tk
sv_tk_penalty 5m 1h 8h 1d <- Tk penaltys
sv_tk_cooldown 5m <-- cool down
sv_tk_grace 3s <-- grace
; mapcycle
sv_mapcycle_add bloodgulch "team slayer" <-- game types
sv_mapcycle_add timberland "team slayer"
sv_mapcycle_add damnation "team slayer"
sv_mapcycle_add dangercanyon "team slayer"
sv_mapcycle_add carousel "team slayer"
sv_mapcycle_add gephyrophobia "team slayer"
sv_mapcycle_add infinity "team slayer"
; start server automatically


Final init

; server parameters
sv_name Halocity
sv_public true
sv_maxplayers 10
sv_password Halo
sv_mapcycle_timeout 30
sv_tk_ban 4
sv_tk_penalty 5m 1d 0
sv_tk_penalty 5m 1h 8h 1d
sv_tk_cooldown 5m
sv_tk_grace 3s
; mapcycle
sv_mapcycle_add bloodgulch "team slayer"
sv_mapcycle_add timberland "team slayer"
sv_mapcycle_add damnation "team slayer"
sv_mapcycle_add dangercanyon "team slayer"
sv_mapcycle_add carousel "team slayer"
sv_mapcycle_add gephyrophobia "team slayer"
sv_mapcycle_add infinity "team slayer"
; start server automatically


Just upload the init to your server and start it.

Default Gametypes

Rcon w/Admin Commands
Setting up rcon is easy, add the following line to your init.txt

sv_rcon_password (yourpassword)

Next you have to enable -console before starting your game. to do that, right click on your Halo.exe and click properties, next add the -console after halo.exe" -console

so your line should look something like this.

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo\halo.exe" -console

now,while your playing Hit the ~ key to bring up the console, then type the following

rcon (yourpassword) sv_ban tker
rcon (yourpassword) sv_kick tker


Clear the console text.

help [command]
Tell you about the command.

Quit Halo for the PC dedicated server.

sv_ban [player name or index]
Ban the player with the given name or index. Yes it does
sv_ban_penalty [time1] [time2] [time3] [time4]
Specifies the levels of punishment for repeat offenders. The first offense will be punished for [time1], the second offense for [time2], the third offense for [time3], the fourth offense [time4] and the fifth offense for an indefinite period of time (the administrator has to unban the user). The format of time is ns, nm, nh, nd or 0. n is a digit in the 1-9 range and 0 is infinite.

Show the list of the banned players.

Specifies the file to store and load the ban list to and from. Note: this file's name is restricted to banlist##.txt where ## is a two digit number. This allows multiple instances to use different ban lists while still restricting the name of the ban list (for security purposes). Umm, you can set this to be any string of alphanumeric characters, like banlistTHISisAsuperLONGfilename123.txt.

End the currently running game. This will proceed to the next game in the map cycling game entries list.

sv_kick [player index or name]
Kick the player with the given name or index out of the game.

sv_map [map name] [game variant]
Start a game with the indicated map and game variant. When the game is over, this game will restart itself. This command supersedes any map cycle the server has.

Show game list.

sv_mapcycle_add [map name] [game variant]
Append this game entry (map name and game type) to the end of the game list.

Start the map cycling with the specified game entries.

sv_mapcycle_del [index]
Delete the game entry from the map cycling game list (use sv_mapcycle to get game IDs).

sv_mapcycle_timeout n
Time in seconds to restart the next game in the game list after game is finished (this determines how long clients are sitting at the post carnage report screen).

End the current game and skip to the next game in the map cycling game entries list.

Restart the game.

sv_maxplayers n (Default value is 16)
Set the maximum number players. Changed for 1.03: This can be done in the init.txt or at any time using the console, but does not kick players out of the current game if there are already more players than specified in the command.

sv_name [string] (Default value is

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 9:46 am
by Hayl0w_D0ode
Is this the ONLY way you can have a server and get people in it?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:25 pm
by miwerj
when do i do the sv_mapcycle_begin

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 1:30 pm
by xoxgodmodxox
okay please i need more detail i have it set i know the conrtols but i can't see it listed in the halo lobby or on game spy and no one ever joins wen i watch the console

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 9:41 pm
by zargon05
u add the sv_mapcycle_begin in the end, and wat more details u need. Try port forwarding if you have a router, or download the v1.07 versio of the dedicated server. In this version it always show in the lobby even if ppl are not able to join


Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 7:05 pm
by spartankiller117
what is a dedicated server anyway

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:00 pm
by Andrew_b
dedicated server...basicly a server that runs with out you needing to be in the game. so you can run this server for a day, and be on vacation away from your computer at the same time, without needing to be on halo. A server dedicated to the public to use :P

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 6:45 pm
by KingLenard

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:57 pm
by Alexgodcool
I did set up ds and begin the mapcycle, my server name was there on halo lobby. I wanna join to my own server but it said "unable to join"
What I should do????

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:58 am
by Andrew_b
can people normally join your server??? if not...they cant join your dedicated server...which means (i think) the halo server cant connect with your computer and allow people to join (including you).


Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 3:19 pm
by sniper336
put the link or files so i can dowload all the ds stuff for version 1.07. I would rather u put the files just cuz there something wrong when it tells me to put in my age at "" so if u give me the link make sure it from bungie or something.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 6:34 pm
by h
it wants your age because of Halos rating....nothing to worrie about

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 8:05 pm
by not_quite_a_nice_guy

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 12:13 am
by )John(
you cant join your own dedicated server on the same pc can you? cause its not letting me :)
or, if you cant someone tell please