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[Halo CE] Enemies in your warthog

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 2:02 pm
by FleetAdmiralBacon
God, it's so simple... That's probably why no one else ever posted it, but here goes:
Originally posted by me at HaloPCE

Try this if your desperate, it'll lag a little on a bad server, but should be fine otherwise.

Chop off the gun from the warthog and move the gunner marker (and move it to the standard frame), more on that below
Get the turret vehicle tags (the warthog one)
now, make a new vehicle with only a node at 0,0 and 1 triangle (preferrably about a foot to the left and a few inches down) as the model.
Make the vehicle a turret and give it a seat with the same paramaters as the warthog's passenger seat. Make sure the hud text message is set up the same as the warthog.
Now, make sure the hog turret (the one you downloaded) has the same HUD message text number as the warthog
Stick them both in globals
Now, more on the hog itself:
No turret, and only a driver seat.
Make sure you keep the node for the passenger seat and have a new node at the base of the turret (facing in the proper direction - just move the gunner one down and about .03 forward)
Now, stick your new hog into the globals if you haven't already
Now let's piece this thing together!
Open up sapien, whatever map you want your new cool hog in.
Stick the following in there:
1 Warthog (name it 'hog')
1 passenger vehicle (name it 'hogp')
1 gunner turret (name it 'hogg')
set 'em up so that they spawn properly

save it, and close it if you need to.
open up notepad.
C+P the following:

Code: Select all

(script continuous build_hog
  (sleep_until (= 1 1) 0)
  (objects_attach hog "gunner" hogg "")
  (objects_detach hog hogg)
  (objects_attach hog "passenger" hogp "")
  (objects_detach hog hogp)
EDIT: Forgot to say this: save it as [halo ce]\data\levels\[map name]\scripts\test.hsc
Now, for me to explain:
What we just did is made the warthog into 3 separate vehicles, which means 3 differenet people can sit in it.
Then, through a simple script, we've "built" the warthog from the pieces.
Now, I know this will lag slightly, but it'll be fine on a good server.
The first line in the script helps a problem I found while running some, um, tests, on the new Draco. It makes the script sleep slightly, allowing you to get in / out and shoot the turret (or your gun)
You can try to remove it, but believe me, it won't work...
The second line attaches the turret to the hog.
The third detaches it, which causes its location to sync across the server.
The fourth line does the same as the second line but with the passenger seat vehicle we made a few minutes ago.
The fifth, of course, detaches it, blah blah blah.

So, there you have it! Now enemies can enter your warthog! Now I'de just like an explanation of why you wanted that...

Coming soon: Working vehicle, um, stealing I gues... With a very simple script!

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 3:26 pm
by Patrickssj6
Well maybe you should add that you have't figured that out yourself.

Nice tut nontheless.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:44 am
by FleetAdmiralBacon
Patrickssj6 wrote:Well maybe you should add that you have't figured that out yourself.

Nice tut nontheless.
If you're talking about vehicle hijacking, my script works rather well. Still need to do something about the fact that it works too quickly and the hijacker just gets booted too... But that's a simple matter of making the script boot the driver if there is one, but not boot you, then sleep, then boot you and stick you in the driver seat. Simple, really.

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 7:33 pm
by Caboose365
hey i was wonderning also how to get enemies a warthog and i dident get the full details so i got this halomods account strictly to ask you! :D
do i need 3ds's max or something or is there some other program that i can use to take the turret seat off and stuff. if possible, could you please make a short vid tutorial of it and put it on youtube or something please? i know im askin a lot but i AM desprate lol

thanks for ya help

o and my xfire is caboose365 if you have xfire. if you add me send me message saying its fleetbacon so i know its you :D