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~How to Make the Best HUD and Different Colors for them~

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:20 pm
by click16
Have you ever seen mods where there have been amazing changes to the Heads Up Display (HUD)? If so, this is the BEST tutorial for anyone who wants to make something similar!

A Few notes before We Get Started:
HUD Is a tricky thing to edit, If you think that you can go ahead and screw around with the bitmaps that make up the HUD then i hate to destroy your hart but there is no time for mistakes.

Now with that said there are a few things that you will need to successfully complete this Tutorial.
some of these things are:
Entity 1.3.9
Adobe Photoshop CS/CS2/CS3
or you can get Gimpshop (idk website)
DDS Plug in for photoshop or gimp

Lets Get started!

HUD Bitmaps - Crosshairs

1. Open any map of your choice in Entity 1.3.9.
2. Once your map is open, go to the "[bitm] Bitmap Texture" Tagclass and select

Code: Select all

3.Now Right click and hit Duplicate. Within moments a small window will pop up asking you what to name the tag that you duplicated. Name it this:

Code: Select all

ui\hud\bitmaps\new_hud\crosshairs\<name of gun here>_reticlule
Now press "OK".
4. Now when its done it will display a "Done." message box when the duplication of the bitmap is complete. Also we need to locate the bitmap that you duplicated, so go find that and continue on.
5. Once you located your bitmap press the "Main" tab at the bottom of the entity window.
6. Save the bitmap to any location you will remember.
7. Once you save your bitmap you now need to open it in photoshop or gimp. (I will use Adobe Photoshop CS3)
8. Once your bitmap is open, zoom in about 4 - 6 times so you can get detailed.
Now we need to clear the bitmap. To do this you need to select the WHOLE RGB and Alpha then press Delete.
9. Now that that is done we need to create the HUD Reticule, go to the alpha channel and the color scale is from white - black black being completely invisible wile white i completely visible gray is partially transparent . So go ahead and create your bitmap and then continue with the next step.
Well thats what my HUD reticule looks like now we need work to do in the RGB to make it work properly.
10. Now that you are done your HUD reticule in the Alpha we need to make the blue outline in the RGB to do this we need to select the whole alpha, copy it and paste it in the RGB. Now we need to merge layers so do that now. We need to take the white and gray colors and paste blue over that so i will do that now by selecting the color range.
11. Well mine is not the best but i guess it will do :
=/ Well it kinda sucks but it will be OK.
12. Now we need the bitmap in halo 2 so now we save the bitmap as the correct format to make sure your saving it correctly you need to open the entity window again.
13. Now the same way we extracted/saved the bitmap with entity is the same way we inject it but this time we need to press Inject bitmap"
Locate your bitmap and press open.
Now thats what it should look like :P
14. Go to the [ndht] Hud Interface tagclass and select
Any weapons HUD.

I will use SMG's HUD.
15. Right click on the lined area and select "Display> Idents"
now a list will show in the lined area.
Find 2 bitmaps that say : "ui\hud\bitmaps\new_hud\crosshairs\hud_reticules" find them and swap 'em out for your new bitmap.
Hit Sign and then send your new map and test if it worked. This is what i came up with

HUD Bitmaps - Shield Meters

1. Open your map in Entity.
2. Click the [bitm] Bitmap Texture tag class.
3. Locate any DXT_5 (DXT5 works best) with any appropriate size that suits you. I will use a DXT5, 512x512 bitmap.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:24 pm
by Senor_Grunt
click16 wrote:i will finish this tut tomarrow because im very tired and want to go to bed Good Night
You couldn't wait 7+ hours to finish? Also, its cool, and all, but its not the best. Nice tut tho. :]

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:28 pm
by click16
im really tired so i didnt try to type a whole lot but i might jus... t ZZZZzzzzz XP

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:32 am
by kibito87
click16...I swear on everything holy...lmao I know you KNOW how to write better tutorials then this. If you are too tired to even finish...then you should just copy and paste into a notepad file. This tutorial should include steps, headers, more pictures, etc. I've told you this before so I know you know lol. I want to see better!!!

What you have though isn't as bad as what I might make it out to be. I just know you can do better! lol keep it up bro.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:43 am
by click16
yea i know

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:02 am
by NotZachary82
you didn't even mention what colors you need to edit the alpha channel with. example: white (FFFFFF), etc.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:27 pm
by click16
sorry everyone i am busy right now so i never completed this tut but i will change the name of it so you know when i completed it.

Re: ~How to Make the Best HUD and Different Colors for them~

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:45 pm
by GeneralNobody
So, uh, this is over a year old I know, but I have a pretty decent reason to bump it. The tut still isn't finished :S

edit---well, i should have searched cause i found the full one :S