Halo 2.5 and Xbox 2 discussion

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Post by SnaFuBAR »

well i know i got an xbox just to play halo2. i'll be happy to see xbox2, but not halo 2.5. the ending of 2 was fuxxored. that ending was so gay, it pissed me off. i beat it again on legendary to see if it was different like in h1, but nooooo, still the worst entertainment ending i ever saw besides blair witch... anyways...i've seen lots of concepts of the new xbox2, and i have to say that some of them are quite comical and hope to GOD some of them are NOT the new xbox shell... lol
Dude. No. Do you even know who Katarn and Snaf are?They are some of the few 1337est modelers that have ever set foot in CE. =D

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Post by littleboyhacker »

[quote]BS~Slave: I was searching google.
LittleBoyHacker: You find anything?
BS~Slave: Yah, here. Wait one sec. I have to copy this all down.
LittleBoyHacker: K.
BS~Slave: Okey. Here.

"Halo 2.7 was discussed, Bungie is NOT making a remake. Halo 3 will be coming out the same time as the Playstation 3. And, yes the Xbox2 will hav a smaller shell for you moble gamers. Microsoft has a current name(s) for the Xbox2, The XLite, XB2, X
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Post by jks »

Nice bump... from 2 months back.
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Post by Valeth »

Okay this topic is old and everyone (I hope) knows that there is no Halo 2.5.
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Orb Scorched Earth

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Post by jks »

Exactly, we will wait for either downloadable content before the release of H3, or H3 itself.
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