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Entity BSP viewer controls

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 1:40 am
by Domnio
I remember most of them, but I forgot how to control the yaw pitch and roll(rotating an object)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 2:11 am
by ScottyGEE
hmmm, modding discussion is not working...So I'll save you from the nagging to not post here ;)
PyroBlizzard wrote:Alright i dont know if there was a readme for this or if someone already posted it but hey ill do it anyway.

Camera Buttons

W=Camera Forward
A=Camera Sidestep Left
S=Camera Backwards
D=Camera Sidestep Right
X=Rise Camera
Z=Lower Camera
Right Click(Hold) + Movement of mouse= Turn the camera any direction

Item Buttons

Left Click=Select/Unselects Item
Up Arrow=Item Moves Forward
Down Arrow=Item Moves Backwards
Left Arrpw=Item Moves Left
Right Arrow=Item Moves Right
PG UP=Item Rises
PG Down=Item Lowers
Left Click(hold) + shift + move mouse=Tilts Item North/South
Left Click(hold) + ctrl + move mouse=Tilts Item Rotates Object
Left Click(hold) + alt + move mouse=Tilts Item East/West

If i missed any just tell me
This could be outdated. They may have changed buttons since Entity Alpha1...

ImageSearch is good and so can you!

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 2:32 am
by ScottyGEE
If modding discussion wasn't down, I'd be telling you off...You're off the hook this time ;)
PyroBlizzard wrote:Alright i dont know if there was a readme for this or if someone already posted it but hey ill do it anyway.

Camera Buttons

W=Camera Forward
A=Camera Sidestep Left
S=Camera Backwards
D=Camera Sidestep Right
X=Rise Camera
Z=Lower Camera
Right Click(Hold) + Movement of mouse= Turn the camera any direction

Item Buttons

Left Click=Select/Unselects Item
Up Arrow=Item Moves Forward
Down Arrow=Item Moves Backwards
Left Arrpw=Item Moves Left
Right Arrow=Item Moves Right
PG UP=Item Rises
PG Down=Item Lowers
Left Click(hold) + shift + move mouse=Tilts Item North/South
Left Click(hold) + ctrl + move mouse=Tilts Item Rotates Object
Left Click(hold) + alt + move mouse=Tilts Item East/West

If i missed any just tell me
Don't know if its outdated since Entity Alpha 1 though ;)

Its an ancient secret of untold power. Worshipped by cults around the world. I hear this mystical search button empowers the user to find what they want without having to ask another person.

I am passing this secret onto you because I believe you have the power to use it to its full potential.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 2:34 am
by DrXThirst
Ctrl+Click and Drag
Shift+Click and Drag
Alt+Click and Drag

I think. I don't know which one is yaw/pitch/roll though.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 6:39 pm
by OwnZ joO
And it always messes it up in game if you change more than one of them right? I never really messed with it much, but i believe it was something like that.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:57 pm
by Domnio
thnx you guys :)

I tried searching for it in a very explicit manor before I couldn't find it though, thnx everyone!