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Post by kibito87 »

Take it somewhere else. This is for posting cheaters and modders on xbox live. I don't recall anything saying you could get into a verbal fight. If you want to challenge Chad, do it through PM's. Now, back to the cheaters.

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Post by -DeToX- »

AKSUALLY, If U Spellz LEIK dis, ppl TINK ur dumb. So yeah it does show idiocy.
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Post by theycallmechad »

jebmodillion wrote:Alright buddy first off spelling (last time I checked) has nothing to do with your IQ. In fact on a IQ test spelling is NONE of the factors in it. (Another ill conceived attack at my intelligence)

Demented may not have been the best choice of words either.
Actual definition:

demented/Dementia is progressive decline in cognitive (thats your brain if you did not know) function due to damage or disease in the brain beyond what might be expected from normal aging. Particularly affected areas may be memory, attention, language and problem solving, although particularly in the later stages of the condition, affected persons may be disoriented in time (not knowing what day, week, month or year it is), place (not knowing where they are) and person (not knowing who they are). ...

It is funny that you think your all "big" and "bad" only because you've been here longer than myself. So I guess I will lay it all out for you!

You and me are going to have a little comp to see who can dish out what. You think your tuff stuff well lets see.

Since I have only been here for a "couple of short days" you will beat me no dought about it. LOL

So here it is:

Mod comp

Same map for the both of us. So it is fair
1 week after we figure out whats going down is the deadline.
I pick the old map catagory
Now you pick the map
You seriously have got to learn better grammar before you try getting into a "posting war" with somebody. You only make yourself look like a bigger idiot with each word you type. I'd be more careful if I were you. Besides, what started your backlashes anyway? I posted your name as a friendly, harmless joke and you attacked and insulted me. Grow up, li'll man.

As for the contest: First, I have a wife, a life, and I mod for NOBODY but myself. I know who I am, what I'm capable of, and what I've done. I don't need to prove anything to anybody, especially somebody like you. Secondly, I SKIN, not mod. I have no interest in modding and never will. (/Sarcasm) You up for a skinning contest instead? Finally, it is not a fair contest the way you have it laid out. The ONLY fair way would for a 3rd party person to establish the rules, theme, and map. With you setting the rules and theme, you can easily make this contest best suit your "abilities."

In the future, when you come to a new forum, try not to make trouble and insult people. You really need to learn to laugh. I do not mean anybody harm here EVER, but will always defend myself when attacked.

By the way, I know what "demented" means and I used it for a reason. It fits perfectly for the point I was trying to get across. Thanks for the "help," though.

Oh, what's a "dought?"

Kobito, I 100% agree and have reported this thread, citing my involvement in it as well. Though it was not the place to do it, when I'm publicly insulted, I will publicly defend myself. Bad habit, I suppose...

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Post by xxQTip05xx »

haha my gamertags up there from a wile ago :P
i dont cheat mod anymore, it ruins the game.
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Post by djmonkey »

first off, I don't post here. I just felt like butting in today.

Reason why things like this escalate is because of the lack of ability to express tone and suggestion. We're dealing with TEXT here, so it's not like you can see what face or intention the other guy is making. I say give the guy a break. He misinterpreted what joke you were trying to pull and reacted with defense. Also, IQ isn't interpreted by text. If you refer to those online IQ tests, no dice. I had a former friend take one and then prance around saying he was a LOT smarter than me. I took the same test as he did, only to screw around and get a higher "IQ." IQ varies on the different abilities of the human mind. There's Logical IQ which can be measured by physical puzzles, and Creative IQ, which can be measured by interpreting a short story or an artist's intention within a painting.

Chances are, someone's going to try to contradict me, but I don't care. It just shows that they want to make themselves look better than me... pshh HA! People are equal as long as they respect each other.
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Post by Spartan Killa »

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Post by Yamagushi »

ModzMaster wrote:F4cKBuNGI3nET
(he almost got me, but i bridged him out lol and won!!!)
I NEVER CHEAT IN MM, but when they start it i'll do anything i can to make sure they don't win even if theyr on my team
here are allso some people that were in his party, i think that if they are in a party "level boosting" they are more guilty than the modder himselfe, whats the point of level boosting anyways? it doesnt make u good
Lies... You just clearly stated you do in fact cheat on live... You can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt the people you were playing against were cheating. Ive seen lag that looks just like bridging.

With that said I just wanted to comment on this thread. Theres no good way to determine whether or not cheating is taking place. A lot of the time its just the game lagged a little and you lost so automatically you try to pass the blame of your failure to someone else, and you come up with the assumption they must be bridging. Its simple psychology. When we do something right we tend to take the credit for it whether or not any other things influenced it, however when we do something wrong we tend to pass the blame to another source even when the fault is clearly our own. Keep this in mind with posts like this.
Don't be.
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