Cutscene issues

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Posts: 35
Joined: Wed Sep 15, 2004 4:34 pm

Cutscene issues

Post by cain532 »

This is the script I've compiled so far. It compiles just fine, but when I try to hit the second script (the one marked snipeshot) instead of starting at the proper camera point, it bounces back to the player starting location, then flies over to the first snipeshot camera location. is there a way to stop this?

(script startup opening
(fade_out 1 1 1 30)
(volume_teleport_players_not_inside hide hideplayers3)
(cinematic_show_letterbox 1)
(object_destroy Chief)
(player_enable_input 0)
(camera_control 1)
(fade_in 1 1 1 30)
(sleep 30)
(camera_set opening1 0)
(sleep 30)
(camera_set opening2 100)
(sleep 30)
(camera_set opening3 100)
(sleep 30)
(camera_set opening4 100)
(sleep 30)
(camera_set opening5 100)
(sleep 30)
(camera_set opening6 100)
(sleep 30)
(camera_set opening7 100)
(sleep 30)
(camera_set opening8 100)
(sleep 30)
(camera_set opening9 100)
(sleep 30)
(camera_set opening10 100)
(sleep 30)
(camera_set opening11 100)
(object_create_anew Chief)
(sleep 30)
(camera_set opening12 100)
(sleep 30)
(camera_set opening13 100)
(sleep 30)
(camera_set opening14 100)
(sleep 30)
(camera_set opening15 100)
(sleep 30)
(fade_out 1 1 1 30)
(sleep 30)
(object_destroy Chief)
(volume_teleport_players_not_inside hide showplayer3)
(cinematic_show_letterbox 0)
(camera_control 0)
(player_enable_input 1)
(fade_in 1 1 1 30)
(sleep 30)
(script startup die
(object_destroy chief2)
(script startup snipeshot
(sleep_until (volume_test_objects snipescene (players)) 5)
(player_enable_input 1)
(camera_control 1)
(ai_attach sniper snipeshot)
(ai_command_list_by_unit sniper snipeshot)
(sleep 30)
(volume_teleport_players_not_inside hide hideplayers3)
(camera_set snipeshot1 100)
(sleep 60)
(camera_set snipeshot2 0)
(sleep 60)
(camera_set snipeshot3 0)
(sleep 60)
(unit_kill chief2)
(fade_out 1 1 1 30)

Posts: 205
Joined: Wed Aug 22, 2007 8:54 am
Location: I dunno i'm lost

Post by Glitcherguy »

try to make the snipershot nr 1 0 instead of 100.. and if that won't work you could always use the fade out fade in script
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