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Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:19 pm
by Cuban Legend
fallen_angel wrote: Cuban Legend -the Error Lookup tool will give you an english expanantion of the error code, which occasionally is useful. Only occasionally though...

EDIT:Scratch that... I just went and did some digging, and I think its a WinSock error. Probably not finding the server (as it's not around anymore), so it's throwing a hissyfit.

You *might* be able to sort it by adding an entry to your HOSTS file, pointing to another server with the player blacklists file on it. If I get time, I'll do some packet sniffing on the client to see where it actually looks for the file.
Thanks for that... I was wondering what it might be, someone suggested it might be my firewall not letting it through, but my firewall on the server has been down, until now, its back up with exceptions for each HSE exe. So it cant be my firewall i think.

Thanks for looking it up, also, BTW you might want to now sometimes it will also freeze up and give me THIS Error:

Any idea what that one might be?

Well, Super sniper says he got his working somehow... So idk why mine gets that error and the above one you clarified.

-So what should i put in the hosts file to fix this?

-I will send those 2 feature requests to the email provided.

-And also my server is still up for beta testing (hopefully the beta HSE doesn't crash like the beta HSE I have now) My xfire is: "cubanlegend".

-@ Everyone explaining how Dedi's can be run and played on on the same machine, I was basing my thoughts on past experiences, back in 2006, before i left halo for 2 years. Thanks for clearing that up. Its great to know.

Though My gaming rig is faster than my puny server, i'd still rather have a small minimal Power Consuming server to be on at all times instead of my huge Gaming Beast with enough fans and lights to keep the wife up at night, not good. XD

@ SuperSniper: Wow what a coincidence, Your Tutorial was the one i actually DLed about 2 weeks ago from halomaps, and its the one i actually USED to setup my base init.txt and server that is up and running now.. LOL Thx its a great tut. =D

-Qeestion for all: About changing ports on the Dedi if you wan to run it and play on it on the same machine: Wont Changing the ports in the target line for the haloceded.exe not allow people to connect? (ie -port 2312 -cport 2313 )

-Another Question, whats the first port for, and whats the second "cport"? Can they be changed and still allow clients to join? Thx for all the clarification do far.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 2:47 pm
by supersniper
You don't need to change your ports on the dedi leave them default so peopel can connect to it easier.
To play on your own dedi on the same computer just start up halo PC or CE then go to settings then network settings then after that click on the 2 ports and change 2302 to 2303 and 2303 to 2304. There you go simple easy and very user friendly.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:51 pm
by Cuban Legend
supersniper wrote:
supersniper wrote: oh, and the cd key hashes is just a comma-seperated list (no spaces) Oh ok I'll add those in manually too as to they don't show up when I add them. Maybe it's vista i'll try running it without visual themes on.
Also now for the voting system, how do I add my custom to the list of votable gametypes. I added them earlier when making my mapcycle but they didn't show up in the votable area. Also when I refresh my maps in the votable area they don't save in the .ini file so should I add them in manually as well?

EDIT 2: Well I got everything to work with HSE with my server but one thing I don't get is what commands do I use in game to start all the vote stuff and admin stuff?
I'm now stuck in the same rut... :( I got the HSE Daemon to work, finally!

But Idk how to add my custom gametypes to the votable area. Can i just add them into the Daemon.ini and HSE Settings.ini manually? If they are custom gametypes, do they need the " " around them or no?

And then i don't know what command to use to do anything while in the server through rcon, or even on the rcon itself... Any help, could you send us a list of command variables that HSE uses?

Thanks for the help.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 3:51 pm
by supersniper
Well I gave up on the custom gametypes in the votable area for now but I am trying to figure out the in game commands.

Blind told me to pm Frain because he apparently knows them but no luck so far.

HSE In-Game Commands

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 11:53 pm
by fallen_angel
As far as I remember:

/vote [map|mode|kick|yes|no] [argument]

Map name or quick name (eg. Infinity or if)

Mode name or quick name (eg. ctf or koth)

Player ID (eg. 12)

place your vote

I also think theres a /help command that lists all thestuff you can do. Bear in mind this is all from memory though, so I might be way off!

Oh, and supersniper, just edit the INI file by hand - I think custom gametype names need to be in quotes. I'd just keep a backup to hand just in case the shell wipes them out.

print(HSE == awesome); >True

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:23 pm
by Abyll
Glad to get input about it finally!

Yeah, glad to hear how to do something with HSE finally - I figured out how to get past the bugs, and to edit the init.txt and daemon.ini by hand, so it would load up just fine, but i couldnt do anything with it like vote. Though I don't know what the hiib irc bot thing is exactly... or how to configure it if I need to..

One thing HSE definately needs, is the ability to modify the haloceded load parameters, esp -port. I sort of use the 2302 default port elsewhere, so I prefer the dedi to run on another.

After reading your help, I found i can kick or ban! though its hard to get the name - it requires it to be exactly the same, and that doesnt work for players with wierd characters like «john» -- i did put in the right alt-codes, but apparently sending it corrups them, or the playerlist has it messed up or something... (You should change that, to include wild cards or something.. and also non-caps-sensitive) Changemap didnt work for me at all - it would list maps, but it would always say map not found or something.
Also, i had voteban Disabled, but we could still vote and ban people.
I've found nothing successful for flag or restartmap or gametypes(or mode) though. But what about beng in the adminlist? that didnt seem to do anything if you vote - though admins should be allowed to just do the stuff rather than have to use vote.

There are some serious problems though, with how it just types the commands into the console. Esp if it goes to type a command but gets told to do something else when a player votes. Or if someone is on the console doing stuff on it directly. I've found you can mess up a kick if you send a /vote yesorno well timed to get it to say "vote recieved" right when it goes to type "sv_kick <person>" -- so the kick fails.
It'd be much better if you can call commands from within the program somehow, not that i know if its possible.

Ps: I'd GLADLY help host a dedi for like the new version! (i'm barely restraining myself from begging) I have a reliable dedi already up, that doesnt have a big playerbase to tick off, and I have plenty of friends who can come in to test it too.

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:23 am
by supersniper
Awesome they works out. I haven't tried the /help yet but I will.
Have you gotten help yet to work on this program?

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:12 am
by fallen_angel
Yeah, I know the old version is seriously rough around the edges, but then again, I was only 15 when I wrote the thing...

I did the roadmap for the new version last night - it's going to be a loooong road to get to 1.0, but it looks hopeful (I'm trying to make it all as generic as possible, so it could be ported over to Halo2 or other games with the minimum of fuss).

If anyone has any notes on the HaloCE memory space (ie. Structures, where to find them, etc) I'd be grateful - it'll save me a lot of work further down the line!

Also, if you know any programmers who are looking for an interesting project, please point them in my direction - [email protected].

Also, I've started blogging about how HSE is progressing at

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:39 am
by Cuban Legend
What programming language are you looking to need programmers for?

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:20 pm
by supersniper
... weird delete.

Re: HSE: What happened to it?

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:58 pm
by supersniper
Well I dunno where fallen_angel is but I was searching my harddrive today and I found something very interesting. It was a text file of all the chat commands copied from the old HSE website

Code: Select all

Using HSE in game

HSE supports many commands, and the availability of these commands will vary from server to server, as different admins may want different options 
enabled and disabled.
Commands are passed to HSE via chat text in game - HSE looks out for certain command 'tags', then reacts when it encounters one.

Voting relies on these command tags to operate.
You pass commands to the voting module of HSE using the /vote command tag.
So, for example, to get a list of available maps, you should type /vote maps, and HSE would return a list of maps available for voting on.

The voting module supports the following commands:
changemap 	Starts a vote to change the current map and mode
                                /vote changemap <map> <mode>
resetmap 	Starts a vote to reset the current map
kick 	Starts a vote to kick a player from the server
                /vote kick <playerID>
ban 	Starts a vote to ban a player from the server (usually moderator only)
                /vote ban <playerID>
maps 	Shows a list of maps
modes 	Shows a list of game types
players 	Shows a list of player ID's and Nicknames

When voting to change the map, you should replace <map> with the filename of the map you wish to load, minus the .map, or use HSE Map Shorthand 
(eg. bg for bloodgulch, di for DeathIsland, tl for timberland)
The same applies for the <mode> - either use the full name is it is only one word long, or use HSE Shorthand - s for slayer, ts for team slayer, koth for 
king of the hill etc

PlayerID's are either the player name (case sensitive), or the text ID followed by the ID number from the /vote players command.
I posted it incase anyone would like it. I tried these in game after setting up the stuff again and it works to an extent. It reads the commands but it doesn't find the player ID's maybe i'm just typing it wrong idk but it works. IF you guys want to implement a voting system on your server now's your chance to do it.