SP ragdoll mod

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SP ragdoll mod

Post by turk645 »

:P i made the ragdoll mod for SP and this is the vid i made of it.

ScottyGee wrote:Smokers suck >_< (to avoid someone saying it later, both literally and in the derogatory way)
"Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way after you make fun of them, you still have their shoes."-Dranciel ಠ_ಠ
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Post by ScottyGEE »

ORSM turk. Yeah I love the dialogue that gets said with that on. It makes one wonder if they actually had any other plans for it. Becuase it definatly seems to be specific to those situations.

Would you beable to send me the jpt! and bipd plugins you use for this?
I plan on using it but my guys never get back up. I'm probably clicking the wrong unlabelled properties or something.
would be very thankful ;p
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Technically its only me animating though ;)
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Post by turk645 »

lol, your bipds dont get back up once shot?
ScottyGee wrote:Smokers suck >_< (to avoid someone saying it later, both literally and in the derogatory way)
"Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way after you make fun of them, you still have their shoes."-Dranciel ಠ_ಠ
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Post by GametagAeonFlux »

That's pretty cool, never heard some of those lines before.
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