I'm Fed Up

General discussion about Halo for the Xbox and PC.
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I'm Fed Up

Post by snaggle »

I've been playing Halo now for about 4 years? I signed up to Halomods about 3 years ago or so, back then halo was AMAZING to play on PC. Lately I have been getting back into it, but i've seen an increase in people using aimbots.

Below is the score taken from a game I played a few days ago, not my best score ever but it's good seeing as I had a long break from it.

Now, a while back, before this aimbot infection came about, people would be like "wow nice score" "gg" etc. But now, I get slammed a hacker in most rooms I play.

Today I played a normal CTF match, my score was 26 kills and 6 deaths. Not great, but just because my kills were above my deaths and because I was using a sniper, I was branded an aimbot user & removed from the server.

Halo PC has hit an all time low, and it's sad because I can't enjoy this game that I use to love playing all the time.

your views/comments?
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Post by {TP}Spartan »

i always get called a hacker or a botter when i have good games because im not usually good

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Post by -DeToX- »

Thats why I stopped playing Halo 2.

Almost every game I played I got called a hacker or cheater.
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Post by JK-47 »

It's pretty sad... It's turning into counterstrike (well, maybe the unprotected servers anyways). You can't go into a game without running into someone using an aimbot... I wish Bungie, or someone could do something about it... I don't play Halo PC anymore because of this very reason.

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Post by snaggle »

I still like to play it, some of my old clan mates still play so I have a few good games with them. But would it seriously hurt Bungie to release a new patch?

I understand Halo is old and outdated now, but I did pay for the game I would like some protection from this :roll:
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Post by Cryticfarm »

Play halo ce. No aimbots, custom maps...
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Post by -Legendary- »

-DeToX- wrote:Thats why I stopped playing Halo 2.

Almost every game I played I got called a hacker or cheater.

Yea, maybe film your matches, and show that there legit Snaggle.
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Post by spokiee20000 »

eh, im not doubting your skills there snaggle, but 174 kills and blacknight had 92 and on the opposing team the highest was 12, all that means is that you guys were playing for hours while different people came and left,
but yes the issue with aimbots is a serious pain in the arse, i cant really play online anymore due to my sattlelite connection, but if i could i still prolly wouldnt, cheaters have no life
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