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Adding a Needler to Prisoner?

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 7:12 am
by GnaM
One of the things I'm doing with my mod is simply improving the map layouts with respect to weapon locations. One of the reasons Halo 1 was so over-focused on the pistol wasn't just because the pistol was so powerful, but because Bungie simply didn't bother to put all of the other weapons on the maps, or if they did, they put them in places where they weren't worth the trouble to get.

So anyway, I want to put a Needler in Prisoner, which didn't have one before. As a result, it's in the weapon tags, but not in the item collections. So I have a cloned Plasma Rifle spawn put in via Spark Edit, and I want to change it to a Needler spawn, but I can't because the Needler item collection is not in the scenario.

How do I do this? It seems like a simple thing to do, so it can't be all that complicated can it?

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 7:54 am
by DoorM4n
Sparkedit! :D

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:04 pm
by GnaM
But you can't add new objects in sparkedit, you can only clone objects that are already there and then change them to other objects via DotHalo or HMT. You can't change them to the right items in DotHalo or HMT if the weapon doesn't exist in the item collections or scenario tags.

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:33 pm
by {GR}Ender
I'm not too sure about how to put objects in, but I don't think the reason the needler wasnt used and the pistol was isnt because the needler was in bothersome to reach places.

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 11:59 am
by kibito87
I believe in the Tools area in Sparkedit there is an option called "add tag to scenario". Which should allow you to add any tag not referenced into the scenario...into it. So then go duplicate the plasma rifle then swap it for the needler which should now be referenced in the scenario and can be found in the swap dropdown box.

EDIT* That is only for vehicles and scenery, my bad. What you want to do is open your map in HHT. Open the scenario tag. Then find one of the itmc's and swap it for the needler. Then in sparkedit, say you swapped a plasma rifle for the needler. Now you can duplicate another plasma rifle, if needed, and keep the needler you originally swapped.