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Halo Anticheat v1.03 for Halo PC v1.08

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:15 am
by SeanAero
Alright it's release date!
Time to start changing the Halo community.

Yesterday I got the green light to start sharing HAC with all of you. So here I am, making the post and giving you guys and girls the details on where to download HAC and a short explanation of what HAC is.

So what is HAC?

Haloanticheat is a client sided program for Halo v1.08 that allows the user to proof that he/she is not cheating. Making it the ideal program for scrims and leagues players, since it takes away all the doubts about certain players abilities.

HAC at this moment is not the answer to the problem of bots and hack users in public servers, but with continues improvements, it soon will be.

By running HAC while playing Halo v1.08, it will not only keep track if your cheating, it will also keep track of all your stats.

Kills, Death, Captures, Assists, Kill Death Ratio.

At this moment HAC is only available for Halo PC.
HAC for Halo CE is already in production.

To download HAC and try it out for your self, please visit.

For instructions on how to install or known errors please read the Read Me file provided.


Sean Aero
xfire: seanaero