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Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 6:49 am
by reanimation-06
We could also try uploading compressed pics and mods.
Rar-ing files, or using .jpegs instead of .bmps when needed.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 8:48 am
by shadowkhas
reanimation-06 wrote:We could also try uploading compressed pics and mods.
Rar-ing files, or using .jpegs instead of .bmps when needed.
Who doesn't do that...?

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:12 pm
by Ragdoll
shadowkhas wrote: Who doesn't do that...?

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:36 pm
by Philly
What would happen if I just sat clicking the ad on the front page all day?

EDIT: I found out, by reading the post. :P

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:08 pm
by [CL]9mm-Man
Sad day for HM if it closes. There has been some truely amazing mods come from this place.

Hopefully Gren wont close it, but its fully understandable.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:47 pm
by iBotPeaches
He won't close it. Theres over 10 people asking to host it for him. It only uses 500gb of bandwidth he said, and around 250gb space, and I have no clue the size of the mySQL. My website plan is 7.5 TB of bandwidth so I'm sure he won't close it, but yet let someone borrow it.

Also phpbb 2.0.23 just came out now.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 3:00 pm
by Tural
iBotPeaches wrote:Also phpbb 2.0.23 just came out now.
There is no reason to upgrade. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:48 pm
by SHOUTrvb
Plus upgrading is completely irrelevant.. It'd be cool to hear from Gren as much as he can spare to keep us updated. I know he's busy, but just a post every few days just to respond to ideas mentioned in above and after postings.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:16 am
by Redspike
I will definatly send you a donation via paypal. but id really like to see more updates on the front page . i think it would increase the sites traffic .
i definatly dont want to see the end of halomods.
Its my homepage ! and a fantastic site.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:35 am
by kornman00
Damnit, after seeing this thread title, I was hoping hell had froze over, but alas :|...


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:07 am
by Snave
Alot of you haven't a clue what you're talking about, it's rather amusing. I'd hate to see this site taken over by anybody else (Hizlo & others) it just wouldn't feel right and i'd be afraid of them taking halomods name and reputation and turning it into something that isn't worthy of what the community has achieved over these years.

As soon as you can i'd recommend changing the hosting package to that of a lower tier if possible (i'm sure you're already thinking this..) i'm not sure of the cost, but perhaps it can bring the price down to more in-line with the ad revenue.

I think there are alot of sites that link to downloads that are hosted here, perhaps it would be an idea to redirct or forbid these requests so that they have to either register on the forums, or atleast visit the forums to be able to download the files, this in-turn would create more page view thus increasing the ad-click percentage (in theory..)

Concerning the ads, like others have said you can get away with placing an ad at the bottom of the page.. its inconspicuous enough not to effect the page that much, but is still noticeable enough for people to see it.

Prey posted some alternatives, perhaps it would be an idea to try those out to see if they provide a better click percentage (These could be placed at the bottom of the page as mentioned, while keeping adsense at the top, just to see how things work out)

Alas if push comes to shove and the site closes its been a pleasure being here through the years watching and learning with the community through each different stage of modding and the game series... Good times.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:49 am
by Tural
Thank you for saying the ownership issue, I didn't want to sound like a dick saying it myself. I would absolutely not want to have the site turned over, regardless of to whom. The only way it would be reasonable is if they have little involvement in the site at all. The last thing we need is a new owner changing the site to fit their ideas. If it does get taken by someone else, said person would need to understand they shouldn't be making changes (Unless to the front page, which still needs updating), the forums are fine the way they are. We don't need more mods, upgrades, whatever. It should be left alone.

You have to be logged in to view/download attachments, so people do have to visit the site in order at least once (To log in) to download. They can't really hotlink attachments uploaded here.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:01 am
by iBotPeaches
Yeah, I find clicking Halomods links to download you always have to log in, but instead it says "invalid page." Maybe instead of driving people away with that page, have a special hotlink page that says.

"Were sorry, you may not download this without registration. You may register here, or view the current topic here. Registration provides a way to enjoy more forums, content, tutorials and much more."

As Gren. said he only uses 500gb of the bandwidth. I'm sure for a server owner, like Snave, Xzodia, or whomever could take over if required.

I've been told many times, an update is not required unless its broken.

Truth being, I wish for a little more features. Mods or Admins have no colors on their names to display in forum posts. So most people just have too look for Staff. Heres a couple of Mods I found

Usergroup color displayed everywhere

Places ad, before main post, after main post, in main post, Highly configurable

Thank Post Mod, I've wanted to thank posts by Detox, Zone and Tural, and many others who helped me along my mod career

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:03 am
by Munsie
I wouldn't mind if ownership was turned over to one of the staff members here. If (say for example, not trying to leave people out) Tural or I_F said "Hey guys, I have a server." I wouldn't mind in the slightest. Other then that, it would have to be somebody, like Tural said, not very attached to the site, just willing to dedicate space.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:08 am
by Tural
iBotPeaches wrote:Truth being, I wish for a little more features. Mods or Admins have no colors on their names to display in forum posts. So most people just have too look for Staff. Heres a couple of Mods I found

Usergroup color displayed everywhere

Places ad, before main post, after main post, in main post, Highly configurable

Thank Post Mod, I've wanted to thank posts by Detox, Zone and Tural, and many others who helped me along my mod career
In order:
That's off by choice.
Absolutely not. You should never shove ads in the way of the user's content.
Unnecessary. This isn't a mod repository. We don't need all the little bells and whistles like that. It's annoying when you have so many mods installed. Keep it simple, that's what we're going with here.

Now, this thread has absolutely nothing to do with mods. Oh, and as a side note, none of those could be installed here. We use CH.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:37 am
by eg1
you know i think at lest for a few weeks at a time we should have adds before and after the post. If we cant do that we could just move to a free form like i use. Then just keep the name and just have an ad page and there.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:46 am
by iBotPeaches
Free forums are plastered with ad's. Customization is limited. Server is slow, and generally outdated. Files probably couldn't be uploaded. I do not think that is an option.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:00 am
by Munsie
I'm almost 100% sure Gren will close down the site/forum before he moves it to a free place.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:28 am
by INSANEdrive
My my... I suggest that we get the word out VIA HBO.

The more people we can get in the know, the more possible help we shall receive.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:13 am
by Someone2die
Grenadiac wrote:150GB 10k SATA drive
2.5TB bandwidth/month
Our forum database size is about 870MB
870 MB for a phpBB database? Maybe it's just me, but it's hard to imagine that there's actually 870 MB worth of text, even with all of these boards. Are images being stored in the database as well?

I'm willing to donate space (and an idea for hosting). I'm the admin of (anybody remember the AJAMA Movie Team? Died like... 2 years ago) and I currently use 1and1. The plan has:

Storage: 250 GB
Bandwidth: 2,500 GB

It's only about $10 a month if a plan like that interests you. I barely use any of that (maybe 500 MB a month of bandwidth and 3 GB of storage), but the person I share the account with keeps it around just incase. I'd offer to let you transfer the site there (will full Control Panel access of course), but the MySQL databases are limited to 100 MB in size. I'm allowed to have 50 of them, so if the database could be split up some (if it's even possible for phpBB), that could possibly work.

Feel free to hit me up on AIM.