Hizlo's/S3anyBoy's Spartan AI Bloodgulch *Update*

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Hizlo's/S3anyBoy's Spartan AI Bloodgulch *Update*

Post by -Treetoad- »

This was not made by me, it was made by HIZLO and S3anyBoy. I take no credit for this. I was just asked to post this amazing mod here by him so I did. play it and be amazed :)
S3anyBoy wrote:This is the Halo1 mod that everyone has been waiting for.
This is a revamped and redone version of Hizlo's original Halo1 Bloodgulch AI mod, with AI spartans.

The AI have been completely redone by me, they are now spartans, and naturally the armor's color changes based on their team, they shoot, throw grenades, get in the gun of your hog, and of course, the biggest improvement...drive. They aren't the best drivers in the world, but they usually do pretty good. The AI will have whatever weapon is set in the gametype, if you set the gametype to rocket CTF, they will have rockets if you set it to snipers, they will have snipers, and every other possible weapon, they have been specially designed to use each weapon effectively, they will shoot the sniper from far away, and wait until they are up close to use the shotgun. The AI spawn points, the vehicle spawns and the weapon spawns are the same as the original, but the AI are new, and so is the gameplay.

Hog flying through the air about to be hit by a rocket
Hog flying through the air after being hit by a rocket
Guess which is me :lol:
ROCKET DUAL (btw I lived, he didn't :P )
Hog flying through the air after being hit by my rocket (it landed on me >_>)


Thanks to:
Hizlo for having an awesome site and inspiring and allowing me to do this.
Detox for hosting the map on his server and being awesome.
Juggalo, Kibito, Milkman, Ninja Modder, and Si1v3rF1am3 for testing and giving me ideas on how to make the map better, and more fun.
CLuis for his greats apps, and MonoxideC for HMT.
The community of Halomaps for being awesome, hope you love it.
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Post by nintendo9713 »

That is awesome...I downloaded over 40 halo 1 maps/mods the other day and played everyone. I forgot how awesome it is. I played Hizlo's halo map v2 last friday at a LAN party with 15 people. It was sick... Great job on it :)

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Post by MrSqueegy »

OMFG this mod was amazing I stayed up till 4 in the morning baked out of my face playing this and I never got bored this mod is AMAZING!! :D


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Post by Evilsnowflakes »

Man this is nice, downloading now.
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Post by -DeToX- »

Don't mod halo 1, but Never thought I would see my name in the credits of a mod of it.

Thanks and Looks good.
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Post by DoorM4n »

Sound a bit easy if you have the correct tools. Make a make in Halo Custom Edition with advanced AI and then convert to xbox. Easy as pie. (And pie is pretty damn easy) :D
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Post by XxRaynexX »

This had to have been for CE first, right? I don't have an xbox so can I get the CE version of this? I'd really like to play it.
Jamming a gravity hammer into a spartan laser and pulling the trigger doesn't give the effect I had so desired...
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