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[MAP]H2 Lockout for Halo CE

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:20 pm
Title: H2 Lockout final
Author: Nathan555
Description: This is a modified version of lockout. It has a little bit more h2 style weapons and appeal than the original map.
^^ click here for more pics
Description:This is a modified version of lockout. It has a little bit more h2 style weapons and appeal than the original map.
Bugs:Battle rifle model dosent show when you pick it up(although its still a very good weapon if you pick it up. Some of the signs are switched when you pick up a weapon. H2-needler has a infinite zoom. Gravlift is a little buggy but can get you up.
Credits:Jahairn for the h2 biped
Most weapons are CMT
Scenery tags... dont really know where i got them.
Also on king of the hill a h2-bomb appears on each of the bases. If you want you could play assult rather than koth.

P.S. There is a little secret in the level for people who like easter eggs(well actually its not an easter egg).Hint:This secret is so powerful in this map it needs guards to protect it.

A few tweaks have been done. Nothing major. Dual magnums are now in beside the gravlift and a shotgun has been added(not halo2,although there will be one in further updates)

New Halo 2 weapons are ingame such as h2-shotgun,dual-magnum/smg(as bad sound though),h2 swords that lunge at enemy,and new bipeds near secret.

Ok, this is the last Im doing for h2-lockout (my next and last map will be h2-santuary) so here is the final touches: battle rifle model in place, signs corrected,assault is now neutral assault in which the bomb is in the middle when you play koth, only problem is smg\magnum have wrong sound when you pick them up.

So, I hope you like the final as much as I did and I hope you like my next and last map h2-santuary (after this I giving up map making, except for personal pleasure). Post comments about the map or h2-santuary in the H2-Santuary post in the forums.


Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:28 pm
by preston566
Not bad. Looks nice, fun play?

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 11:50 am
there are some hidden "Elites"

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:02 pm
by [betray_crysis]
The elites are guarding a weapon that's used by a scarab. :shock:

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:41 am
by Cryticfarm
If you've noticed this isn't even his. I didn't even take the effort to type up the post himself. Good map though, but how you taking it from him is pathetic. I'm guessing you didn't ask for permission.
Nathan: 10/10
You: Pathetic/10

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:11 am
by JK-47
He gave credit to Nathan555, and even said in big letters "I did not create this map". I'm not seeing how he 'took' this from him. He just posted it because he noticed it hadn't been posted here; this kind of thing has happened plenty of times in the past.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:40 pm
by Cryticfarm
Well I still wanna see proof that he gave him permission. Also, wtf is with 460328a916f153fe2c89fc24ee8fe0cae86ef09a.png lol.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:47 pm
by JK-47
You don't need permission to post the map on other sites, so long as you give them credit to show you aren't taking credit for creating the map.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:58 pm
by Cryticfarm
JK-47 wrote:You don't need permission to post the map on other sites, so long as you give them credit to show you aren't taking credit for creating the map.
Oh really? Sorry for that. :(

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 2:45 am
by p0lar_bear
I can immediately tell just by that one screenshot and your description that this map is horrible. Sky is completely and totally wrong in every way, your environmental shaders are butt-ugly, lighting is all wrong, Knave's weapons are gross, the old old CMT HUD is horrible, the easter egg is unneeded and game-breaking, there are bugs left in that can be easily fixed, and an attempt to put in a Halo 2 gametype that simply won't work.

I'm insulted as a modder that you're calling this a final version; this doesn't even pass as pre-alpha. Don't even think of moving onto a new map until you know what you're doing and can fix up and polish the map, because you obviously have no idea what makes a map good. Just slapping old CMT content into a possibly ripped BSP is the exact opposite of a good map.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 5:21 am
by SuperSnorky
This map is about two years old...

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:17 pm
by supersniper
Yes it is. It's been up on for like ever. I seriously would not give this map a 10 out of 10 but maybe a 6 or 7.

Re: [MAP]H2 Lockout for Halo CE

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:16 pm
by stormblitz96
Lol, only thing this map misses is the famous "halo 2 ghost of lockout" :lol: .

Re: [MAP]H2 Lockout for Halo CE

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:27 pm
by Gallopokoi
<3 this map *downloads*

EDIT: "Just noticed how old the posts before were, But i saw that it had new posts, so i posted ;s"