[MOD] The Fight For Reach BETA

Mods for Mac should be placed here. All posts must have pictures and a mod to download. Use PPF always, unless the map is rebuilt.

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Post by (}{)alo »

well if some people are willing to help me this might change.
I tend to not speak with the ones that are giving me a hard time but you have a history with me and I over looked that.

If you wish for this mod to keep going I will do so, but as I said I will need help from others and fresh Ideas for this.

btw is there a Spark Edit that works well with intel Computers out for mac?
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Post by bcnipod »

yes, search for sparkedit in the utilities section. there is a PPC and Intel download.
Twitter: Dirk Gently | Major lulz
Mr. Brightside: Worst mod I've seen since 'Nam.
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