Complaints and Suggestions Rules and Regulations

Is somebody flaming or causing problems? Is there a post that is too large for content? Moderators will check here often to discover problems quickly.
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Complaints and Suggestions Rules and Regulations

Post by Snave »

Rules and Regulations

If you would like to make a suggestion, or complain about something halomods related, you have come to the right forum (Please note this forum is not for mod suggestions). In this forum you may make any suggestions for the forums, such as a new forum, rules that may need updating, any spelling errors you notice in rules, etc. This forum is for Complaints and Suggestions. Any other posts will be deleted or moved immediatly without warning. There are some basic rules you will need to stick by in order to make a successful suggestion however:

-Forming a proper Suggestion
When you make a suggestion, it is important that you say two things for sure, and then say whatever else you need to say. The first thing you need to say is what the board, in your opinion, lacks. Then, state how you believe it could and should be fixed, and if you need opinions on your statement ask for that as well.

-Forming a proper Complaint
A complaint is not a flame. When you complain about something, make sure you discuss it in a proper manner, and do not make anyone mad. If someone disagrees with you, you are going to have to agree to disagree :wink:

-Reporting Posts Image
For some users who still haven't noticed the button, it's for reporting posts directly to staff members. Even though you might think that posting in complaints is faster, in most cases the report will get to one of us the quickest. And if in time a report is not answered in 5-7 days, you may post here.

-Urgent Matters
On occasion, something of greater importance may present itself. Even though the above should cover most general things, if you feel that it is highly necessary, and of the up most importance, you can also pm an online staff member, or use an instant message client if you have their details.

-Outstanding Mods
Please do not suggest mods that should be moved to the Outstanding Mods section. There are moderators that view these boards everyday, if they see a mod that is worthy of the section, they will move it. Outstanding mods is for truely outstanding mods, not just some new slightly new thing.