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How to edit a halo2 vista meta in hht

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 6:48 pm
by adolif
step 1: make a new folder with a duplicate copy of hhtV5 and it's files meant for messing with. Take an entity plugin for halo 2 xbox (an xml one) and overwrite an hht xml plugin. Remember the tag class you pasted over.

step 2: use h2vedit lite and extract a meta from a halo 2 vista map OR do it manually with a hex editor. Record the meta's offsets in notepad, I recommend. If using h2vedit lite, convert these offsets from decimal to hex.

create a new file: "<your meta filename>>"

paste this into ur new file in notepad (edit the stuff in between * *'s first.)

Filename|*meta source path(example: objects\wawa\gasstation)*
Tags|**tag class 1**tag class 2**tag class 3*(example: bipdunitobje)*

step 3: make a duplicate of a halo1 campaign map meant JUST for corrupting. inject your h2 meta into a halo 1 meta with the tag class you are using the entity plugin with.

step 4: edit your meta

step 5: hex edit the meta back into your halo 2 vista map.


Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 1:55 pm
by HBjims
Very Interesting. Kudos to you for finding that out. I need to try this sometime.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:42 pm
by halohaxor123
can this be done with ny other programs because HHT v5 fails to load on my comp.